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DataQube Global’s novel approach to edge data centres and 5G connectivity


DataQube Global, a disruptive start-up in the digital infrastructure market, is spearheading a move to improve broadband connectivity in rural areas by removing the need for fibre cabling at household level. We’re listening…

This new approach from DataQube Global is set to catalyse the seamless handling of high-volume data in readiness of 5G going mainstream.

The company, together with a consortium of Telco’s, data centre experts and OSPs have developed a self-contained solution, DataQube, that will enable near real-time data analysis and device interconnectivity at the edge of the network in a robust, modular unit that is scalable according to requirements. 

The solution is also expected to improve broadband connectivity for rural communities and field trials are currently underway in a Cambridge 5G testbed project to ascertain this. 

5G rollouts, along with IoT and machine learning, are expected to speed up breakthrough innovations and expand the deployment of autonomous tech including UAVs (unmanned airborne vehicles), smart cities, shared transport networks and robotics.

The new telecoms network is also intended to reduce superfast broadband inequalities due to its ability to simultaneously support over one million devices per compared to the 60,000-odd devices of the current 4G networks. 

However, before 5G networks can be deployed at scale and the autonomous tech they’re intended to support can go mainstream, network overhauls and cabling refreshes are required at roadside level.

This is because the constantly changing data generated as a result will need to be processed as close to the source as possible if the low latency and superfast upload/download targets needed for reliable and safe operations are to be achieved. Data centre infrastructures in their existing format are unable to achieve this. 

Developed from the ground up to overcome these challenges, DataQube’s novel offering provides an immediate solution for the rural connectivity dilemma.

Supporting both mobile and broadband connectivity, a single unit can deliver superfast broadband to multiple households without needing preinstalled fibre at household level.

The breakthrough offering also comprises the necessary HPC capabilities to power autonomous applications such as smart meters, smart transport, or Agritech, removing the need for real estate close by to house edge data centre infrastructure.  

“5G and automation are set to change the technology landscape,” commented David Keegan, CEO of DataQube. 

“With easier access and faster interconnectivity, the adoption of smart technologies will become more viable and enhanced online services in rural Britain more achievable.

“Our new solution is intended to make these objectives attainable by simplifying infrastructure requirements and delivering the required HPC performance.”  

DataQube can be previewed at the company’s HQ in Cambridge. Contact them today to see how this novel solution addresses edge computing challenges through a series of demonstrations of fully working units.

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