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Navigating complexity with network management 

Micheal Cantor, CIO at Park Place Technologies, explores the tools and strategies organisations should integrate to ensure reliable connectivity and enhanced network performance.

The convergence of remote work, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and data-intensive applications, particularly those fuelling artificial intelligence (AI), have transformed the way organisations operate.

This digital revolution has undeniably improved productivity and efficiency but, in doing so, has brought a new set of challenges. Chief among these challenges is the surge in network traffic, which often results in bottlenecks that impact connectivity and network performance. As the adoption of AI and related technologies continues to grow, it becomes important for businesses to ensure a stable, reliable connection to prevent downtime and maintain the functionality of mission-critical projects.

The network’s greatest challenge: AI

The AI boom is now upon us, and the running of new data-intensive applications means networks must deal with unprecedented levels of demand. AI applications create large datasets, forecast to reach 180 zettabytes globally in 2025, over double that in 2020 of 64.2 zettabytes. The rapid rollout means that the existing infrastructure businesses have in place are starting to feel the pressure from a data-hungry technology that is outpacing them. Unfortunately, some are feeling the strain, leading to lags and significant downtime.

However, by integrating network management tools that can effectively address the specific requirements of data-intensive applications, organisations can ensure that their AI projects run smoothly and without interruption. These tools can also optimise costs by streamlining resource allocation and eliminating unnecessary spending on network infrastructure.

Managing the IoT data boom

IoT devices are now in regular use across industries, from digital healthcare applications to boosting quality of products in the manufacturing supply chain. These devices generate vast amounts of data and require a continuous and robust connection to the network. The sheer number of IoT devices can quickly overwhelm a network, leading to congestion and, ultimately, a decrease in network performance.

Effective network management tools are crucial for identifying and mitigating these IoT-induced bottlenecks, by providing insights into network traffic patterns that influence an organisation’s speed and efficiency. These tools can help organisations pinpoint areas where IoT devices are overloading the network and allocate resources more efficiently to ensure consistent connectivity and optimal performance.

Beyond the benefits of traffic control, network management tools also provide organisations with a holistic approach to enhancing their network performance. They enable the identification of bottlenecks and network traffic patterns that impact an organisation’s speed and efficiency. The advantages extend beyond merely boosting business productivity; they encompass reliable connectivity, cost optimisation, and efficient resource allocation, ensuring that organisations remain competitive in an increasingly digital world.

Is it time for data repatriation from the cloud?

Up to now, we have highlighted bandwidth consumers that are driving increased network management needs, but there are also opportunities to reduce the external bandwidth load. The cost of maintaining and managing cloud infrastructure is a growing concern for businesses, with research revealing that cutting cloud costs has overtaken security as the main concern for businesses embracing the technology.

In response to these issues, many businesses are opting to repatriate some data sets to better control long-term costs and lower the need for expense. There are several benefits of repatriation; by bringing data back in-house, companies can ensure better control over data, reduce the risk of data breaches, and meet compliance requirements more easily. Another potential of data repatriation right now is cost, which businesses have found can quickly spiral out of control and is increasingly difficult to budget and plan effectively.

Another factor driving data repatriation is data security and compliance. Many businesses operating in more regulated industries, such as finance, healthcare and telecoms, deal with sensitive data that must be stored and managed in a highly secure and compliant manner. While cloud providers offer robust security and compliance capabilities, some businesses may feel more comfortable managing their data in-house, where they have more control.

Simplifying network management

Managing digital infrastructures is becoming increasingly difficult all the time resulting in more partners and more tools to oversee, and higher costs – likely with less resources from staff and budget. Companies are becoming more reliant on not just employees but outside resources to help augment their teams and ever-expanding digital transformation projects.

The network is the backbone of modern business operations, and any downtime or performance degradation can have severe consequences. By controlling traffic, identifying bottlenecks and offering a range of advantages that go beyond enhanced productivity, these tools play a pivotal role in ensuring reliable connectivity and optimal network performance. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, organisations must prioritise their network infrastructure to remain competitive and meet the demands of the modern world.

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