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Navigating ISO 27001

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Rebecca Harper, Head of Cybersecurity Analysis at, explains how ISO 27001 can be a blueprint for building trust and boosting business performance.

The stark reality businesses face today is not if cyber threats will strike but when. 

With the average cost of a data breach soaring to $4.45 million in 2023, security is as much a financial imperative as a technological one. ISO 27001 is a leading information security standard that can help businesses guard against these cyber risks.

But it’s not just a defence against threats – it can help establish the stability businesses need for growth and success in today’s environment. 

Understanding ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised standard that provides a strategic framework for managing information security risks. It goes beyond a simple checklist, requiring companies to take a comprehensive, organisation-wide approach.

The standard calls for assessing risks, cataloguing information assets, and implementing controls to protect data. This creates a robust Information Security Management System (ISMS) that safeguards critical assets.

First published in 2005, ISO 27001 was updated in 2013 and 2022 to address the evolving digital landscape. The latest version tackles emerging cybersecurity challenges to promote digital trust. It also restructures Annex A controls into more precise categories aligned with business operations.

The 2022 standard sets a new bar for information security. With a 2025 deadline to transition from the 2013 version, now is the time to evaluate your existing defences. A correctly implemented ISMS based on ISO 27001 allows organisations to manage security threats more effectively while realising strategic advantages.

More than just compliance

ISO 27001 offers more than just compliance. Let’s look at some of the key benefits:

  • Enhancing regulatory alignment: ISO 27001 serves as a guide to help businesses comply fully with information security regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, TISAX, and SOC 2. This avoids penalties and business disruptions from non-compliance.
  • Boosting operational performance: by breaking down data silos and strengthening your security, ISO 27001 will give your business an efficiency overhaul. It’ll ensure your information flows freely, smoothly, and safely around your business so you can operate like a well-oiled machine, getting more done in less time. 
  • Building trust: you’ll give your stakeholders extra confidence in your business. In this cyber-sensitive climate, that trust directly translates into competitive advantage and extra customer or client loyalty. It can be the tipping point encouraging decision-makers to choose you over a non-certified competitor. 

By taking a strategic approach to compliance, ISO 27001 goes beyond checking boxes. It enables organisations to enhance regulatory alignment, efficiency, and trust in ways that directly impact the bottom line.

Integrating ISO 27001 into your business

Of course, all those rewards are only available to those who get their compliance journey right. 

You need to weave ISO 27001 into your organisation’s fabric, which takes a systematic approach. 

Don’t think of it as ticking the compliance box. Think of it as a broader change programme, hooked into your mission as a company and turning your entire workforce into a united front against threats. 

  1. Line up compliance with strategy: your ISO 27001 plans should fit your overall business strategy. That way, you’re giving yourself the best chance of success and ensuring compliance is foundational rather than a veneer. 
  1. Communicate clearly: forge strong communication channels that ensure all your employees, from interns to executives, understand their role in safeguarding data and the consequences of negligence. 
  1. Run regular training: set up training and awareness programmes to ensure your people can recognise and counter security threats. 
  1. Use a dedicated ISMS platform for it all: typically, the road to ISO 27001 compliance is long, with organisations averaging 15.5 months to see it through, according to our research. A dedicated ISMS platform speeds that up considerably, with tools and templates to help you assess risks, create compliance documents, train your people, run audits and more. 

Get ready for growth

Certifying your business with ISO 27001 isn’t just about avoiding financial losses; it’s about doing the groundwork for growth. You’ll end up with streamlined processes, confident stakeholders, customers who trust you and an advantage over the competition. 

And in today’s cyber climate, building your business on solid foundations isn’t a ‘nice to have’. It’s vital. Your investments today in getting certified and training your people will pay you back handsomely in the long run. 

Picture of Rebecca Harper
Rebecca Harper
Head of Cybersecurity Analysis at

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