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Using MSPs to bridge the skills gap

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John Diamond, Solutions Architect at Park Place Technologies, explains how, faced with a growing skills shortage, particularly in cloud, data management, and AI, businesses can leverage Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to bridge this gap.

A staggering 80% of UK organisations are now grappling with a shortage of skilled talent – a far cry from the mere 12% a decade ago. This skills gap, a direct consequence of the relentless pace of technological advancement, is widening at an alarming rate. As AI continues to redefine industries and automate tasks, the ability to attract, develop, and retain skilled professionals becomes paramount for business survival and growth.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have emerged as a powerful ally in this battle for talent. MSPs offer a wealth of knowledge, resources, and expertise to help businesses bridge this gap, navigate the complexities of the AI-driven future, and stay ahead of the curve.

The in-demand skills and why they matter

The cloud revolution of the 2010s has fundamentally reshaped the IT landscape, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. This shift has created a surge in demand for professionals who can navigate this terrain. IDC research highlights the critical need for cloud skills, architecture, data management and storage expertise.

Ideally, businesses would assemble a comprehensive team encompassing these in-demand skills. Such a team would empower them to fully leverage the cloud’s potential while ensuring data integrity, security, and cost optimisation. Cloud architects would be the masterminds, designing and implementing scalable, secure, and cost-effective cloud solutions.

Data management specialists would ensure data integrity, accessibility, and compliance across platforms. And storage experts would be the strategists, balancing cost, performance, and security considerations in data storage.

However, the reality often necessitates a hybrid approach, seamlessly blending cloud and on-prem solutions for optimal data management across platforms. This requires a workforce proficient at managing both traditional and cloud-based infrastructure, ensuring data remains accessible and secure regardless of its location.

A significant challenge arises in acquiring and retaining these skills. The rapid pace of technological advancement means that skillsets quickly become outdated, creating a constant need for upskilling and reskilling. Additionally, the competitive job market makes it difficult to attract and retain top talent. This skills gap poses a significant threat to businesses, hindering their ability to innovate, adapt, and remain competitive in the digital age.

Fuelling the skills engine

So how do we cultivate these sought-after skills? The answer lies in fuelling the skills engine by investing in robust training and development programmes, ensuring their employees’ skills remain sharp and relevant in the ever-evolving tech landscape. These programmes should encompass both foundational IT concepts and specialised training in cloud technologies, data management, and AI principles.

Encouraging participation in industry conferences and events, such as London Tech Week where there are panels on the roadmap to digital skills for all, or finding networking opportunities via The Alan Turing Institute to learn from industry experts and gain insights into emerging technologies. By actively engaging in continuous learning, employees can stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the rapidly changing IT landscape.

Additionally, businesses can explore external partnerships to access specialised skills. Collaborating with universities, research institutions, or industry associations can provide access to cutting-edge knowledge and talent pools.

The power of MSP support

While internal efforts are crucial, they may not be sufficient to fully bridge the skills gap. This is where MSPs can provide invaluable support to address the skills shortage. MSPs act as an extension of your IT team, providing proactive monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting services. This translates to minimised downtime and swift resolution of incidents, allowing your in-house team to focus on strategic initiatives and innovation.

Beyond technical support, MSPs offer a wealth of knowledge and insights into emerging technologies. They can guide businesses in making informed decisions about their AI strategies and investments, ensuring they leverage the power of AI responsibly and effectively. By partnering with an MSP, businesses gain access to a pool of specialised skills and expertise, bridging the gap and staying ahead of the curve.

MSPs can also assist in developing and implementing training programmes tailored to your organisation’s specific needs. They can provide expert guidance on the latest technologies and best practices, ensuring your workforce is equipped to handle the challenges of the digital age.

In the face of rapid digital acceleration, these steps aren’t just advisable; they’re necessary. Only by being equipped with the right skills and support businesses can keep pace with the ever-evolving digital landscape. The journey from shortage to surplus may be challenging, but with the right strategies in place, and engaging with the right partners, it’s a journey that businesses can confidently embark on.

Picture of John Diamond
John Diamond
Solutions Architect at Park Place Technologies

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