Vertive has announced a partnership with the Uptime Institute which will see the company launch a range of prefabricated modular data centres which have been awarded the Uptime Institute’s TIER-Ready designation of performance resiliency.
While these prefabricated modular data centres won’t receive TIER Certification immediately, Vertiv says that once these units are deployed, data centre operators will be able to quickly and easily earn the TIER Certification of Constructed Facility. The benefit of that certification is that it’s the de facto standard for data centre reliability and resiliency, and assures customers that TIER Certified data centres will perform in a definable and predictable fashion under a wide-range of operating conditions, including complete utility power failure.
The Uptime Institute introduced its TIER-ready design review program to enable PFM suppliers to provide solutions which can achieve the same levels of reliability and resiliency already attained in thousands of TIER Certified data centres worldwide. The TIER-ready program streamlines the process of earning TCCF by reducing the engineering review time that typically must be done for each specific data centre installation.
The TIER-ready Partnership is a strategic agreement under which specific models of Vertiv’s PFM designs are reviewed by Uptime Institute during the engineering development process, to assure that those solutions meet the stringent requirements of the globally recognised TIER Standard of Topology.
Vertiv PFM products which carry the TIER-ready designation directly support the availability and uptime requirements of demanding customers who have chosen to strategically implement TIER Certified digital infrastructure. As part of the partnership agreement, Vertiv has completed Uptime Institute’s TIER-ready III design review for its SmartMod PFM infrastructure for up to 10 racks and 80kW of IT load.
As a TIER-ready PFM solution, the Vertiv SmartMod 80kW enables savings in time and installation review costs which can be passed along to the consumer.
“This agreement with Uptime Institute ensures that facilities that utilise Vertiv’s PFM data centres which carry Uptime Institute’ TIER-ready designation are not only agile and efficient to deploy but also demonstrably resilient and robust”, said Viktor Petik, vice president of Integrated Modular Solutions, Vertiv.
“Vertiv and its partners can now support customers to build-out new, highly reliable and available capacity using our Uptime Institute TIER-ready III designated SmartMod system. Once installed, these solutions can quickly and easily achieve full TIER Certification of Constructed Facility”.
“We are thrilled that Vertiv is taking a leadership approach to the prefabricated modular marketplace by working with Uptime Institute to deliver TIER-ready products. These solutions are differentiated in the PFM market by their proven ability to meet the same resilience demands seen in larger data centres, but in a modular format”, added Chris Brown, CTO of Uptime Institute.
“Vertiv SmartMod solutions which bear the TIER-ready designation can perform at the same level of TIER resilience as larger facilities, but in a smaller form-factor. This is essential to building distributed critical digital infrastructures”.