
A case for colocation

Ian Cottingham, Wholesale Specialist Director at BT Wholesale, details how colocation is a secure, high-availability and cost-effective alternative to on-site data centres.

Making the business case for UPS

Yaron Binder, VP Product Management at SolarEdge, describes a new vision in which UPS systems are leveraged to augment grid supply and enable businesses and institutions to meet a wide variety of operational and financial needs.

Supporting sustainable data centre construction

Billy Durie, Global Sector Head for Data Centres at Aggreko, discusses how innovative approaches to on-site power generation can help reduce the environmental impact of new builds.

Are data centres ready for the metaverse?

With the fast adoption of web3, blockchain and the metaverse, technology is moving at incredible speeds, but has anyone stopped to asked how we plan to power it? Jon Lucas, Co-founder and Director of Hyve Managed Hosting, takes a look at whether the data centre sector is ready to power the future.

Fixing the data centre skills shortage from the inside

Mike Hook, Executive Director at LMG, discusses the structural reasons for the data centre skills gap, and the rewards available for companies willing to get stuck in and proactively address the skills shortage.

What is driving developers & investors in the data centre sector?

James Hart, CEO at BCS, looks at the factors that are driving the developers and investors that fund and build a well-balanced European data centre market.

Achieving sustainability goals with the cloud

Mark Hughes, Regional Vice President UK & Ireland at Epicor, explores how the cloud can help businesses achieve their sustainability goals.

What does operational resilience regulation mean for data centres?

With the UK and EU finalising regulation for operational resilience, Lauren Mugridge, Business Development Executive at Cloudsoft, takes a look at what impact this will have for financial services firms and their tech suppliers.

Defining a new UK digital policy

In order for British and European tech companies to compete against US tech giants, we need a digital infrastructure that is committed to neutrality, says Jan Oetjen, CEO of GMX.

Five reasons why hybrid cloud is a ’no-brainer’ for businesses

Massimo Bandinelli, Enterprise Marketing Manager at Aruba, explores the rise of hybrid cloud and why vendors are switching to this model.

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