On Demand – Unravelling Data Centre Power in an OFCI World
Among several critical power industries, but particularly in the hyperscale data centre market, part or all of data hall power trains are manufactured off-site in a containerised modular structure.
This presentation by Geoff Halliday, Business Consultant at WB Power Services, explores several key factors to consider when taking this approach in an OFCI environment, including:
- Understanding the current DC procurement environment, and the essential criteria behind procurement strategies
- Contractor Furnished, Contractor Installed (CFCI) strategy, its advantages, and disadvantages
- Owner Furnished, Contractor Installed (OFCI) strategy, its advantages, and disadvantages
- Effective critical power solutions to overcome these challenges, from design to on-site build and commissioning
Join Data Centre Review & WB Power Services as we analyse common DC procurement strategies, and how procurement teams can ensure they succeed in today’s unique and challenging environments.