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Cloudian is the most ‘widely deployed’ Independent object storage provider

Cloudian has highlighted its continued growth and momentum for the fiscal year which ended Jan. 31, 2019, by delivering its fourth consecutive year of record revenue and increasing its customer base by 80 percent.

The company now has more than 300 customers, making it the most widely adopted independent provider of object storage solutions. In the fourth quarter alone, Cloudian shipped 250 PB of appliances; six times more than last year. This success is further testament to the company’s ability to help users manage and protect data in hybrid and multi-cloud environments, a statement claimed.

“Only object storage can provide the massive scalability, geo-distribution and metadata search capabilities that enterprises need to manage—and maximize the value of—their ever-growing data volumes,” said Michael Tso, CEO of Cloudian. “Cloudian is the only object storage platform architected from the start to be fully compatible with the S3 protocol, the de facto standard for cloud storage, which is a key reason for our market success.”

According to research from IDC, 72 percent of IT managers plan to deploy multiple cloud types over the next two years—including private and hybrid clouds—to meet demands for security, performance and cost in their storage environments.

“Moving forward, we plan to build on our momentum,” Tso continued, “capitalising on increasing hybrid cloud adoption and our unique ability to help customers seamlessly manage and protect their digital assets across on-premises and public cloud environments.”  

During the report period, the company unveiled HyperStore Test Drive on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), building on the company’s previous multi-cloud integration with GCP as well as AWS and Azure. Cloudian also invested $94 million, claimed to be the largest round to date for any object storage company, bringing the company’s total funding to $173 million.

HyperStore 7 was subsequently named Product of the Year for Software-defined and Cloud Storage by Storage magazine. Rapid integration of Infinity Storage acquisition, with launch of HyperFile, doubling of the file system engineering and support team and 25 percent of new customers deploying HyperFile.

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