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Thames Water reviewing flow to London data centres

Image: Adobe Stock / alexandrink1966

Thames Water is reportedly reviewing whether restricting water flow to data centres in London could relieve some of the pressure on the company’s infrastructure.

According to Bloomberg, the measures could include using flow restrictors on pipes and charging a higher rate during peak times.

The company is under increased strain due to higher demand for water during hot weather, suggested John Hernon, Strategic Development Manager at Thames Water.

“During the extreme heat wave and drought last summer we saw the number of leaks at least double, partly due to ground movement, and partly due to the higher pressures we pumped at to meet demand,” Bloomberg reported Hernon as saying. “Our job as a water company is to build resilience to ensure we keep our customers’ taps flowing and protect our local environment and water resources, including rivers and ground aquifers.”

Lat year, Thames Water said it was investigating the impact of data centre water usage on water supply in London, during a period of extreme heat and drought in the UK. The company said it was conducting a “targeted exercise” to establish how much drinking water was being used by data centres, instigated by the growing number of facilities in the area.

In June, Bloomsbury reported that Thames Water was struggling to manage its £13 billion debt, leading to a contingency plan drawn up by the UK government that included a temporary nationalisation plan. Shareholders agreed to put up £750 million of equity to avoid the proposal.

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