
What can we learn from Facebook’s outage?

What is DNS and what can it teach us about the recent Facebook outage? Ronan David, VP Business Development and Marketing at EfficientIP, tells us more.

The crucial role of edge data centres

Simon Michie, CTO at Pulsant, explains how a nationwide edge computing platform could help break down location barriers to the UK's technological transformation.

Modernising the data centre industry with green innovation

Green innovation within the data centre is essential if we want our world to stay ‘on’. Chris Demers, Sustainability Department Manager at Supermicro, offers some practical advice on how we can meet those green credentials and modernise our industry.

Keeping the edge

Pascal Holt, Director of Marketing at Iceotope Technologies Limited, explains why edge computing reliability is a vital component of AI.

Keeping the edge customer-focused

In a world where micro data centres need to be resilient, agile and often, hybrid, a lack of flexibility is causing disruption at the edge, says Andy Connor, Director – EMEA Channel at Subzero Engineering.

How to choose a UPS standby generator

Alex Emms, operations director at Kohler Uninterruptible Power (KUP), discusses the factors to consider when selecting a UPS backup generator and installing it into its target location.

Making the most of modular

Louis McGarry, Sales and Marketing Director at CENTIEL UK, explores how modular whole concept data centres could help reduce total cost of ownership.

Virtual data centres: are they here to stay or go?

Massimo Bandinelli, Marketing Manager at Aruba Enterprise, weighs up the pros and cons of virtual and in-person data centre tours.

Embracing AI opportunities

Jon Martinez, Commercial Controls Manager at Airedale International, explores three ways in which AI can help data centres reach their efficiency and sustainability goals.

How multi-cloud application delivery is impacting ecommerce providers

From increased internet traffic and security threats to data storage, there are a lot of challenges which ecommerce businesses face, but the right multi-cloud application delivery can help these organisations thrive, says Adrian Taylor, VP of EMEA at A10 Networks.

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