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Tag: Cloud

Six data truths of 2019: Should we believe the hype?

As we put 2018 behind us, Joe Hellerstein, co-founder & CSO at Trifacta calls out six emerging trends in data science and engineering that we can expect to see in 2019. However without the right tools, knowledge and people power, it is very

2019: Will businesses have ironed out kinks in the cloud?

Thanks to the highly connected data centres of today, 2019 is likely to give rise to technology and processes that are undoubtedly better, faster and stronger. Bill Fenick and Bryan Hill of Interxion put their heads together to give us their expert insight

2019: A look at what’s to come

From cloud, to AI, to trust issues, eight industry experts give their insight into what topics and tech will dominate 2019.

Progress for Big Data in Kubernetes

Ted Dunning, chief application architect, MapR discusses the recent developments that make it possible for Kubernetes to manage both compute and storage tiers in the same cluster.

New year, new you, but what will be new in tech?

The only constant in this world is change and that couldn’t be truer than when it comes to technology. In this article Mindtree offers us its 2019 IT trend predictions, looks back on 2018 and explores what the future might hold for next

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